Submitted by SEJ
Executive Director Beth Parke and approved by
the board of directors September 28,
2005 in Austin, Texas.
History and Present
Governance of
Strategic Planning
Context for SEJ's Work: External Threats and Opportunities
SEJ Capabilities: Strengths and Weakness
Desired Outcomes
Critical Issues: Overview
Critical Issues: Goals, Objectives and Strategies
I. Stability of Resources
II. Membership Development
III. Board, Staff and Volunteer Development
IV. Improved Programs and Services
V. Protecting the Integrity of Operating Principles and Values
VI. Building Stature and Significance
The Society of Environmental Journalists, Inc. (SEJ) was founded in Washington DC in
February of 1990 by a small group of reporters, editors and producers working in print
and broadcast news media. The group was established as a nonprofit, nonpartisan,
nongovernmental organization "exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational
purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)3 of the US Internal Revenue Code."
SEJ's original articles of incorporation dedicate the group's work to "educating
journalists engaged in reporting on the environment to enable them to better inform the
public on critical issues of environmental science, economics and policy, and
encouraging discussion and communication among journalists and the public regarding
important environmental issues."
SEJ's first strategic plan was written in 1995. Since that time, its board, staff and
members have renewed the process through three formal updates. The purpose of SEJ
strategic planning is:
1) to re-affirm basic organizing and operating
principles, values and goals for the Society of
Environmental Journalists;
2) to capture current awareness of critical
issues for SEJ, internal and external; and
3) to inform SEJ's future work, as board, staff
and members move forward in choosing priorities
for new or renewed objectives, within a
corresponding resource framework.
Action plans are not detailed in this document
to the extent they are operative for SEJ. Board
members, staff and volunteers are dedicated to
continuous goal setting, creative project
management and problem solving in response to
critical issues for SEJ and the field of
environmental journalism.
History and Present
SEJ's founders shared the following key
The public is largely uninformed about
environmental issues;
Journalists have a tremendous responsibility
to report environmental news;
Journalists who cover environment-related
issues can use help in doing a good job; and
Experienced environmental journalists are an
excellent source of assistance to one another
and to those who are new to reporting on
complex environmental science and policy
As the only North American organization of professional journalists dedicated to
improvements in environmental news coverage, SEJ has attracted students, educators
and news professionals from all media for camaraderie, education, and exchange on
environmental issues and information.
A grassroots style of organizing and an
emphasis on volunteerism and appropriate
partnerships — based in part on scarcity
of resources — became SEJ's mode of
operation. SEJ's
board developed rigorous policies, guidelines and procedures with
regard to membership and fundraising to preserve the organization's credibility and
independence from special interests.
SEJ's membership list grew rapidly in its first five years, from a few dozen dedicated
reporters who founded the group in 1990, to more than 1,000 in 1995. At this time
(December 2008), SEJ has more than 1,500 members throughout the United States,
Canada, Mexico and 25 other countries.
The organization has three categories of membership. To qualify as an Active Member
one must be a full-time journalist working on publications or programs generally
available to the public, for employers not involved in professional lobbying or public
relations on environmental issues. Academic members must be teaching faculty or
students. Associate members must be substantially engaged in writing, editing or
producing news for print or broadcast, but they may work for institutions not primarily
in the journalism business, i.e., universities, scientific research institutions and
environmental advocacy groups. Paid lobbying or public relations work disqualifies
individuals from Active, Associate or Academic membership.
Early in 1993, with seed grant support from two
foundations, SEJ established headquarters in
Philadelphia and hired a full-time executive
director. Later that year, a full-time systems
manager and part-time conference coordinator
were brought onto the staff. SEJ now operates
with six full-time staff members and
part-time contract personnel. SEJ
programs now include a comprehensive annual conference, regional events, on-line
services, freedom of information WatchDog project, print and electronic publications,
SEJ Awards for Reporting on the
Environment, diversity initiatives,
specialized fellowships, membership recruitment
drives, mentoring, outreach to editors, and
co-sponsored activities of varying
SEJ's total operating budget in 1994 was $270,000. For 2004, the budget was
approximately $838,000. SEJ maintains strict guidelines and ethical practices with
regard to acceptable funding sources and the relationship of funding sources to
program decisions. SEJ does not seek or accept gifts or grants from non-media
corporations, advocacy groups, or government agencies. Programs and operations are
underwritten by foundation grants based on SEJ proposals, earned income (including
dues, mail list rental, conference exhibitors and conference fees), university
sponsorships, and contributions from media companies and individuals.
SEJ's April 2005 membership report noted that 69% of all SEJ members were qualified as
Active, 14% as Associate, and 17% as Academic. SEJ members report the news in all
types of media and market sizes. 43% of SEJ's active members are employed by daily
newspapers. Overall, SEJ members are employed 30% with newspapers, 21% freelance,
7% magazines, 10% students, 7% educators, 6% television, 5% radio, 2% specialized
newsletters, 2% online media, 2% news services, and 8% total of smaller categories
including photographers, publishers, book authors, or eligible editorial staff of
universities, nonprofit organizations and government agencies.
These figures may be contrasted with those of SEJ's March 2002 membership report,
when the organization had 1,127 members. At that time, 63% of all SEJ members were
qualified as Active, 19% as Associate, and 18% as Academic. In March, 2002, 43% of SEJ's
active members were employed by daily newspapers. Overall, SEJ members were
employed 27% with newspapers, 22% freelance, 9% magazine staff, 9% students, 8%
educators, 5% television, 5% radio, 7% photographers, book authors, or editorial staff of
university, government or nonprofit publishers, 3% news services, 2% on-line
publications, and 3% with specialized newsletters.
Note: SEJ's overall membership increased by 283 from the spring of 2002 to the spring
of 2005. Therefore, in categories where percentage of members stayed the same, the
total number of individual members in that category did increase. Likewise for
categories where a percentage increased (for example, the number of members
qualified in the "Active" category) the actual number of individuals gained was more
significant than overall percentage, taken alone, might imply.
SEJ has become a leader among journalism organizations, at the forefront of the
movement within journalism that is working to increase training opportunities for
journalists to improve news coverage on issues of substance. SEJ is in a unique position
to influence the future of environmental reporting. There is no more appropriate group
in the United States to take on the challenges reflected in this strategic plan.
Organizing Principles
The Society of Environmental Journalists, Inc. affirms the following as its most
fundamental and defining principles:
SEJ's vision: An informed society
through excellence in environmental
SEJ's mission: To advance public
understanding of environmental issues by
improving the quality, accuracy, and
visibility of environmental reporting.
SEJ programs and services are created by journalists and dedicated to two central goals:
- To build a stronger, better-educated, and more closely connected network of
journalists and editors in all media who are covering environment-related issues;
- To improve and increase news reporting on those issues.
Governance of SEJ
SEJ's 2006 board has fifteen voting members and one ex officio member. Thirteen voting
directors represent SEJ's Active membership. One voting director represents the
Associate membership and one voting director represents the Academic membership. In
addition, one board member, SEJ's founding president, holds an ex officio position.
SEJ's board meets quarterly. Each fall, four or five voting directors are elected to three-year
terms, by mail proxy and in person at the annual meeting of the SEJ membership.
Immediately following each year's annual membership meeting, new and returning
directors elect a president, first vice president (programs), second vice president
(membership), treasurer, and secretary as officers and members of the board's executive
committee. Only board members in the Active membership category may serve as
officers of the board. The SEJournal is governed by an editorial board that is appointed
to staggered three-year terms by the SEJ board of directors.
Strategic Planning
This strategic plan is based on review and analysis of program-specific survey and
evaluation data collected 2002-2005, board meeting and board committee discussions,
collections of anecdotal feedback, questions and suggestions raised by members and
other key constituencies, and staff reports on measurable and observable outcomes that
were compiled for reports to board members, annual membership meetings and
foundation grant-makers.
Key Stakeholders
SEJ works in direct service to the journalism community. Through journalists the
organization serves the needs and interests of audiences of the general public.
SEJ's "primary constituency" may be defined as professional journalists, editors, and
producers working in print, broadcast and online news media, as well as teachers,
scholars and students of journalism and the environment.
Institutional partners for SEJ programs and operations often include universities and
other teaching institutions, journalism groups, university-based institutes or study
centers, museums and scientific research institutions.
SEJ's larger community of interest, or "secondary constituency" is defined as those who
have an interest in media, news reporting and the environment who may benefit from
or participate in SEJ programs and the SEJ network. This community includes citizens,
government agencies and officials, educational and charitable foundations,
environmental organizations, public relations agencies, industry groups, concerned
citizens, corporations, publishers, think tanks, individual scientists, scientific research
institutions, trade associations and education groups working in environmental law,
science and health.
Context for SEJ's Work: External Threats and Opportunities
The SEJ community has witnessed increased centralization of reporting and content
creation by media corporations. There is great concern about increasing government
and corporate intrusions into the editorial process, and increasing limits on public
access to government and corporate information. At the same time we have seen
growth in freelance journalism, especially in new media: blogging, podcasting, website
development, independent e-publishing and book publishing. There is a powerful
dialogue going on now among professionals about what defines journalism and who
qualifies as a journalist in the digital age.
Trends in the United States economy have led to media company consolidation, and
many news organizations have instituted staff cutbacks in response. Cutbacks naturally
lead to time pressures on remaining news staff, decreases in the "news hole" and lack of
resources to report complicated stories. These factors effect SEJ and its membership in
many ways, from volunteerism to employer support for board service and conference
participation, to long-term career patterns in the field.
Despite the potential for change suggested by both media and societal response to
recent natural disasters, SEJ has been operating since 2001 in a political climate in which
terrorism, war and other issues have overshadowed environmental concerns. This and
the fact that environment did not poll as a top tier political issue in the 2004 Presidential
election in the United States have fostered relative disinterest and lack of understanding
among editors with regard to the importance and relevance of environmental issues.
Nevertheless, SEJ planners have been aware that some sectors of society continue to
have a very strong recognition of the importance of environmental issues. Some see a
remarkable degree of political "fermentation" in process, aided by the growth of
international and scientific activity. In the process of scouting for the future of SEJ's
annual conference program, board and staff have witnessed growth in the number of
universities that are highly motivated to advance environmental and scientific literacy
in the United States and around the world. Many outside partners want to work with
SEJ, including distinguished universities, journalism groups and other high quality
journalism training programs. New opportunities are presented to the organization on a
regular basis.
The news industry itself routinely faces economic challenges and identity crises that
affect the potential pool of journalists likely to be interested in SEJ programs and
services. Diversity issues continue to present difficulty for mainstream news
organizations in the U.S. and this trend undermines SEJ's potential for success with
diversity. At the same time, the fact that Spanish-language news media were the fastest
growing sector of the US press in 2004 presents a wonderful opportunity for groups like
SEJ members might say that "The Environment Story" is bigger and more important
than ever, and it will only grow more so in years to come. They recognize professional
challenges in cracking the complexity of environmental issues, overcoming the pitfalls
of fragmented reporting, and making important concerns more audience friendly. They
see the growth of environmental information, complexity in the field, and sophistication
of environmental laws and controversies as creating a perennial demand for an organization like SEJ. They see that collective action by working journalists is needed,
for restoring the public trust and reminding society that strong and accurate news
reporting in the public interest is crucial to democracy, and to community well-being.
There is always potential that SEJ's credibility as a journalism organization, or
individuals serving in SEJ leadership, may be caught in political crossfire on
environmental policy debates. SEJ cannot afford to be viewed as a tool of environmental
advocacy, government, industry or any special-interest group. Some have suggested
that SEJ's leadership can be, at times, overly protective of the organization's image and
attentive to political balances to the point where independent exercise of news
judgment in its programming may be hindered. SEJ leaders must anticipate pressures in
this area and be forthright in response to ideological attacks on environmental
journalism, environmental science or manipulative campaigns of influence, that may
target SEJ or SEJ members.
SEJ continues to be highly vulnerable to external threats to the organization's financial
stability. This will continue to be true as long as SEJ's annual operating budget is
dependent to such a large extent on foundation grants and media company
contributions made in response to the organization's proposals for general support or
member-driven programs. There is a scarcity of funding available to SEJ from the
limited number of journalism-oriented foundations and news organizations. And there
is a trend among grant-makers interested in environmental issues toward more funding
for litigation, for hands-on resource management projects, for advocacy work and for
foundation directed activities. There is less funding available for communication,
education and general support of indirect strategies promoting environmental literacy
such as those embraced by SEJ.
SEJ Capabilities: Strengths and Weakness
SEJ has three primary internal strengths: institutional identity, people and programs.
The group has a well-defined mission, consistent goals, reasoned policies and a highly
respected track record of successes in its work. Over many years, SEJ leaders have
developed strong planning skills and effective methods of operation. The organization's
key weaknesses include persistent financial uncertainty and the chronic tendency of SEJ
projects to create demands that strain the capacity of limited budgets and personnel
time available. The key internal challenge that SEJ planners face each year is in
maintaining focus and discipline on priorities and allocations for limited resources.
Institutional Identity
SEJ's unambiguous status as a journalism organization, offering educational programs
designed by working journalists and journalism educators, has proven to be a great
institutional strength. As an independent, non-partisan 501(c) 3 educational
membership association, SEJ has developed tremendous credibility in the field. SEJ
continues to occupy an important place at the center of a larger community that is
concerned with media, the environment and the future of public service journalism. SEJ maintains strict rules and practices with regard to appropriate sources of funding for its
work, accepting no gifts or grants from non-media corporations, government agencies
or environmental groups. The group has a history of impeccable financial management.
SEJ maintains a lean and efficient organizational structure and a strong culture of
From time to time there is confusion among SEJ members and prospective members
about the group's function and its tax status as an educational nonprofit whose
programs must be open to the public. SEJ is not a professional or trade association. Nor
is SEJ in the business of granting press credentials, serving as a public relations agency
or passing judgment on the quality of someone's work as a journalist. Confusion on
SEJ's function and its institutional identity will require continued dialogue and
attention by board, staff and members.
SEJ has managed well within its boundaries and means, through operating and project
budgets defined by individual giving, foundation and university-based funding, earned
income, and careful fiscal management. But it continues to lack predictable and
continuous sources of funding adequate to support current and potential new programs
and services into the future. This is a weakness that will continue to challenge SEJ, as it
maneuvers to maintain its institutional identity, develop its roster of programs and
encourage the healthy participation of board officers and directors, professional staff,
volunteers and members.
Human Resources
SEJ's strength in people can be seen across the membership, the board and the staff. SEJ
members represent all levels of experience in the journalism profession, across all types
of media, as well as educators and students of journalism. The organization has a
distinguished, hardworking and committed board of directors, many motivated
volunteers and an experienced, professional staff. Board, staff and volunteers maintain
strong and productive working relationships. SEJ's leadership is confident, far-sighted
and entrepreneurial in nature.
A variety of indicators provide evidence that members are generally very satisfied with
what SEJ offers them. Over the last three years, the SEJ membership roster has grown:
Date | Number of SEJ Members |
March 2002 | 1127 |
(Note: In June 2002 SEJ membership jumped to 1203. The April 1 deadline for SEJ awards
entries brought in many new members.)
Date | Number of SEJ Members |
March 2003 | 1243 |
March 2004 | 1286 |
April 2005 | 1410 |
(Note: In August 2004 SEJ membership jumped by approximately 60 through a funded
membership drive for diversity offered in conjunction with UNITY 2004, the joint convention of
the National Association of Black Journalists, Asian American Journalists Association, Native
American Journalists Association and National Association of Hispanic Journalists.)
Diversity is an important value for SEJ, with regard to membership. Diversity is defined
broadly for SEJ, encompassing racial, ethnic and geographic diversity as well as type of
news media (print, broadcast, online) and market size, gender balance, and both
student and faculty academic participation, to represent and benefit our primary
constituency of journalists and academics in all of the United States and to the extent
possible, Canada, Mexico and other parts of the world.
Despite persistent attention and some real gains for diversity in the SEJ membership, on
the staff and on the board over many years, there is still a lot of room for improvement.
There is a need for increased participation in and leadership for environmental
reporting by broadcast journalists and by journalists of color. These needs reflect
weaknesses within the news industry itself that are well-recognized by others in SEJ's
professional journalism community. Similarly, there is a persistent need for increased
participation by people of color in the environmental sciences in the United States.
These external trends tend to foster parallel weaknesses within SEJ.
Diversity is an important value for SEJ with regard to development of conference
agendas, speaker rosters, TipSheet source listings, featured Web links, SEJournal articles,
and other SEJ program initiatives. In program and publications planning, diversity is
defined and valued by SEJ to include a variety of key constituencies, including those
defined by points of view, as they may be relevant to accurate reporting on specific
environmental issues under consideration.
SEJ's veteran staff adapts well and operates efficiently in many highly developed areas
of responsibility. Similarly, SEJ has a strong number of veteran board members, serving
the group in specialized ways. This strength also poses the threat of major disruption
should several key members of the staff or board leave at the same time. Finally,
"burnout" of board members, member-volunteers and paid staff due to over-extension
with a long list of ambitious goals continues to pose an internal threat to SEJ's long term
Over time SEJ has developed a highly valued and effective collection of programs,
including the annual conference, comprehensive Web site, journalism awards, TipSheet,
freedom of information WatchDog project, quarterly SEJournal, EJToday news digest,
members-only listservs, fellowship programs, mentor program, and co-sponsored
events with academic and journalism group partners. SEJ programs, services and
publications have gained an excellent reputation for quality and importance within the
group's prime constituency of working journalists and academics, as well as with
scientists, government officials, environmental advocates, business leaders and others.
Among donors, SEJ programs are regarded as successful and cost-effective.
SEJ's tendency to over-extend on program expectations is a weakness that sometimes
threatens the quality of program delivery. To minimize the threat posed by this
tendency, SEJ leaders must stay on guard, to protect core programs and prevent
distraction and dilution of efforts. SEJ investments in new activities must be considered
very carefully. Evaluation and decision-making practices should insure that ongoing
programs are still needed, that they are working and that adequate support for them
can be maintained before new programs are added.
Desired Outcomes
The board, staff and members of the Society of Environmental Journalists intend to make
progress, with measurable or observable results in the following areas, as a result of SEJ
operations and programs 2006-2008:
- To provide leadership in the field of environmental journalism
- To improve the practical value of SEJ programs, publications and
online services
- To increase participation and program use by key SEJ constituencies
- To increase the quality and frequency of member-to-member
communication within the SEJ network
- To build a larger, stronger SEJ network
- To build institutional stability that can provide for consistent growth
in the strength and activity of the SEJ network, and its value and
usefulness to working journalists, students and educators
Progress toward these outcomes will be measurable through indicators matched with
specific objectives. Advancement may also be observed, evaluated and reported
through answers to the following questions:
With regard to leadership in the field and SEJ's reputation of integrity and creativity:
What are the emerging issues in this field? Is SEJ taking a leadership role with
them? (Examples: environment-related freedom of information issues; the state of
broadcast journalism on environment-related issues; diversity in environmental
journalism, growth of Spanish-language press in the United States.) What other
organizations and institutions are working with SEJ, as sponsors, partners, customers,
colleagues or constituents for current and future projects? What connections are
reflected by SEJ's web site? What feedback has the organization gathered from
publishers, news managers, journalists in varied media, students, educators,
environmental news sources and other key players about SEJ's reputation and the
meaning and impact of its work to advance environmental reporting?
With regard to value or usefulness of programs:
What are current trends in new and renewing SEJ memberships? What are
current trends in SEJ diversity and volunteerism? What indicators can be seen in data
on subscriptions to SEJournal, TipSheet and WatchDog Edition Tipsheet, web site traffic,
listserv activity, conference participation and conference evaluation? Do participation
rates indicate healthy demand for SEJ programs and services? What can be observed in
specific program evaluation data, both anecdotal and measurable? Are distinguished
journalists, scientists, government officials and environmental leaders of varied
descriptions eager to participate in SEJ conferences and contribute to SEJ publications?
What evidence has SEJ collected to illustrate the effect of its work to stimulate more and
better environmental news reporting?
With regard to institutional stability:
Has SEJ maintained its community of interest through excellence in program
delivery? Has it maintained or increased its membership roster? Has it preserved its
core identity as an organization of working journalists? Has SEJ maintained or
increased volunteerism? What strategies are in place for retaining veteran staff or
preparing for staff transitions? Has SEJ balanced its budget for the current year and
maintained an operating reserve equal to at least 30% of the annual budget projected for
the year to come? Has SEJ increased the size, diversity and reliability of the funding
base projected for programs and operations in the future?
Critical Issues: Overview
The following six critical issues have been identified as core concerns for SEJ in
maintaining organizational health and building strength in addressing its mission.
These were first recognized in the group's 1995 strategic plan, and they were reaffirmed
by SEJ boards in 1998, 2002 and 2005. These encompass recurring themes of internal and
external concern and response. Notes under each issue are updated in each new plan.
I. Stability of Resources
SEJ must respond with perseverance and creativity to the challenge of unpredictable
funding for operations, programs and member services. Sources of grants, sponsorships
and earned income for SEJ operations must be compatible with SEJ's mission and
appropriate to its journalistic identity.
II. Membership Development
SEJ must continue building its membership network and promoting its use. Leadership
development for the future of SEJ as a volunteer-driven organization is an underlying
goal for all membership development. Diversity is a persistent value for SEJ
membership development. Efforts to recruit new members and retain current members
should be meshed with SEJ goals for programs (critical issue IV), goals for integrity of
operating principles (critical issue V) and goals for growth in institutional stature
(critical issue VI).
III. Board, Staff and Volunteer Development
SEJ must invest time, attention and budget resources in the cultivation, training and
retention of qualified and effective board, staff and volunteers. Teamwork is a core
value for relationships within and among these groups. Attention should be given to
long term personnel issues including contingency planning, potential staff transition
issues and practices to foster a well trained and sustainable volunteer base for the future
of SEJ programs.
IV. Improved Programs and Services
SEJ has the opportunity to offer unique and essential information resources for
environmental journalists. The organization will need to recognize and respond to the
differing needs and potential contributions of members across membership and media
employment categories. SEJ will need to maintain its most popular and effective
programs and develop new programs carefully, to avoid the deleterious effects of strain
on organizational capacities.
V. Protecting the Integrity of Operating Principles and Values
SEJ must remain committed to protecting the journalistic integrity of its membership
and institutional identity. Board, staff and key volunteers must consistently establish
and maintain clear policies with regard to pressures that could erode membership
standards, financial policies or influence organizational behavior in a way that could
tarnish SEJ's reputation as an independent journalistic organization.
VI. Building Stature and Significance
All members of the SEJ community should work to increase the organization's visibility
and influence, to serve the broader imperatives of its mission. Efforts to protect freedom
of information on all environment-related issues should remain central to SEJ's work.
SEJ must continually widen its community of interest and raise awareness of shared
goals for informed democratic societies. This will be accomplished through membership
development and the building of good relationships with leaders in print and electronic
media, academia, science, government, business, industry, environmental
organizations, philanthropy, concerned citizens and other journalism organizations.
SEJ's identity as the premier organization of environmental journalists in North
America should be built in ways that are increasingly relevant to local and global news
reporting beyond North America.
Critical Issues: Goals, Objectives and Strategies
As a framework for strategic planning and action over the next three years, SEJ board
and staff will address a small number of key objectives, for the advancement of
organizational goals. Established practices and new routines for the achievement of
specific objectives and advancement of fundamental goals will be maintained and
improved as needed.
Priorities and action plans related to each critical issue area will be established by SEJ
board members and SEJ staff no less than quarterly, and more often as appropriate.
Progress will be monitored through meetings, project cycles and reporting routines
adopted by board and staff members for this purpose. Whenever possible, performance
indicators and measurable outcomes will be established as part of the action planning
process so that board, staff and volunteers involved in follow-through will know when
they have been successful in addressing specific objectives.
I. Stability of Resources
Strategic Goal:
To maintain or increase the size, diversity and stability of SEJ's funding base, within
board-established policies and guidelines for acceptable sources of income.
To maintain balanced budgets and satisfactory cash flow for annual operating budget at
2005 levels, or growth, with a minimum reserve fund to equal at least 30% of SEJ's
current year operating budget.
To underwrite direct and indirect costs of SEJ programs and operations through
appropriate and diverse sources of financial and non-monetary support, including
foundation grants, individual contributions, university sponsors, media company
sponsors, earned income and appropriate institutional partnerships for cost-sharing.
To increase the investment balance of the 21st Century Fund, SEJ's endowment to help
safeguard the future of the organization.
Strategies to Accomplish Goal and Objectives for Stability of Resources:
SEJ's executive director will implement a comprehensive approach to financial
management, to maximize both revenue and cost-effectiveness of programs and
operations in service to SEJ's mission. Budgets will be developed in balance with
SEJ will strive to diversify its sources of support in full compliance with boardestablished
policies and development guidelines for gifts, grants, sponsorships,
partnerships and earned income.
Board members will become increasingly well educated about SEJ financial needs,
strategies and methodologies. Board members will participate in efforts to increase
funding opportunities for the group. Budget and accounting systems will be developed
by the executive director and her designees and implemented with approval from the
board. A board audit committee will work each year with the executive director and an
independent accounting firm to produce audited financial statements and fulfill all
legal requirements for SEJ as an IRS-qualified 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Operating budgets for SEJ will be developed and proposed by the executive director on
an annual cycle. The budget will be reviewed, discussed, amended and approved by the
SEJ board each January. Significant adjustments to the annual budget may be proposed
and approved at any time. Budget plans will be based on knowledge of available
resources and informed projections of expense and revenue, and keyed to
organizational priorities. Because personnel costs are the single largest item in SEJ's
operating budget and it is important to maximize the flexibility, value and impact of
SEJ's paid personnel time, the organization will maintain a modest number of full-time
salaried staff whose work can be augmented effectively by task-oriented volunteers and
paid consultants.
As a core strategy for balancing the annual operating budget, SEJ board and staff will
give consistent effort to cultivation and acquisition of foundation grants, university
sponsorships, media company contributions, and individual donations to the 21st
Century Fund, SEJ's general endowment fund. SEJ's executive director and her
designees will seek foundation grants of general support for programs and operations,
and, when appropriate, project grants based on priority initiatives. Whenever possible SEJ will secure multi-year grants. All grant fulfillment responsibilities will be met in a
timely manner. When possible and appropriate, institutional partnerships for costsharing
purposes on specific projects will be established.
SEJ board and staff will strive to maximize revenue from existing categories of earned
income and to foster creative development of appropriate new sources. Existing
categories of earned income include conference registration fees, press release
distribution and mail list services, conference exhibits, advertising in conference
program booklet and SEJournal, membership dues, SEJournal subscriptions, and
investment income on operating fund accounts. Potential new sources of earned
income, such as adbooks, paid business card source listing service on the Web site, and
other new ideas will be explored.
SEJ's endowment committee will set reasonable targets for success and implement work
plans to secure gifts from individuals for the 21st Century Fund. All endowment-related
fundraising will proceed in accordance with board established policies.
Each January, during the annual budget approval process, the SEJ board will determine
a suitable timetable and level of allocation of SEJ earned income, drawn either from the
year past or projected from the year ahead, to a board-restricted fund held within the
SEJ endowment account.
II. Membership Development
Strategic Goal:
To strengthen SEJ's membership base and foster leadership development for
environmental journalism through communication with current members and all
journalists who cover environment-related issues, as well as with students and
journalism educators.
To increase the SEJ membership roster beyond 2004-2005 levels through recruitment
and retention of journalists, educators and students who are qualified for Active,
Associate and Academic categories.
To provide an open and welcoming culture of collegiality that will foster racial, ethnic,
geographic, gender and media diversity within the membership and leadership of SEJ
in North America, and for the field of environmental journalism generally.
To maintain SEJ membership eligibility standards despite changes and challenges
within the field of journalism.
To attract new and renewing memberships among specific membership constituencies:
including print, broadcast, online, small market, major market, network,
freelance, student, educator, Hispanic, African American, Native American, Asian
American, Canadian, Latin American and other international journalists, students
and educators
by aligning SEJ program planning with the professional needs of target groups.
To improve member participation in SEJ programs and services and promote familiarity
with SEJ goals, policies and institutional identity.
To increase the effectiveness of SEJ outreach efforts, to build community, diversity,
volunteer leadership and resource sharing among SEJ members and non-member
Strategies to Accomplish Goal and Objectives for Membership Development:
SEJ membership systems will be implemented with consistency and in full accordance
with policies and procedures established by the SEJ board and the board's membership
committee. SEJ staff will maintain the integrity of membership systems and the
accuracy of membership data to make it easy for the membership committee to fulfill its
The SEJ membership committee will anticipate emerging issues for the journalism
profession that may be relevant to membership and will be pro-active in response by
developing guidelines and procedures for handling applications. For example, when
does a blogger's work qualify him or her as a journalist and when should it be viewed
as public relations or lobbying?
The content of SEJ programs and services will reflect priorities for outreach to
prospective new members and objectives for retention of current members.
SEJ personnel (paid and volunteer) will give consistent and creative attention and
investment to internal and external marketing of current SEJ publications, programs
and services, to increase participation by current members, build member satisfaction
and attract new members.
SEJ staff will continue to maintain and improve the member database and use it to
provide information to board and staff for routine analysis of membership trends.
SEJ will offer numerous high-quality systems to enable members to share their
knowledge and their work or to get help from fellow members. Opportunities for
sharing will include the SEJ-Talk and SEJ-Mail listservs, volunteer jobs in support of
tours and sessions at the annual conference, social time built into conference agendas,
the mentoring program, submit-a-story feature for EJToday, opportunities to contribute
to SEJournal, TipSheet, and the freedom of information WatchDog project and, informal referral services through the SEJ office, and the online
membership directory, updated to match the official member database that is
maintained at SEJ headquarters.
Current (external) research and (internal) program evaluation reports will be reviewed
for insights that may aid in establishment of goals, strategies and action plans for future
membership recruitment and retention, particularly among target groups such as
editors, broadcasters, Spanish-language journalists and journalists of color.
In considering any proposal for changes in membership dues policies, board members
will consider the potential influence that such changes may have on membership
growth and membership renewal.
SEJ board, staff and volunteers will research and outline the opportunities, needs and
interests represented by various potential membership constituencies and put that
knowledge to use in addressing objectives for membership development. For example,
students and younger reporters benefit from instruction; more experienced journalists
benefit from camaraderie and examples of excellence from peers; educators can use
academic resources; Spanish language journalists need resources to be provided in
Spanish. Some offerings benefit everyone: high quality story leads, access to sources,
skill development training and representation on freedom of information issues.
Each year, the board membership committee will identify specific groups as priority
targets for specialized membership drives. Staff will develop and implement program
and marketing plans and progress will be monitored. Results of different approaches
will be noted and methods will be repeated or improved upon as appropriate. For 2006
through 2008, the following constituencies have been suggested for special attention:
journalists reporting in Spanish-language media in the US and throughout Latin
America; Canadian journalists; college students who are majoring in journalism or
science communication; broadcast journalists in public radio, local television news and
network television news; newspaper editors; freelance journalists, including book
authors; and print reporters who frequently cover environment-related issues on health,
business, science, political, and general assignments.
When adequate funds can be secured or allocated for this purpose, SEJ will offer
conference travel fellowships, including free one-year memberships, to specific target
III. Board, Staff and Volunteer Development
Strategic Goal:
To maintain a well-run organization based on optimum effectiveness of
its board, staff and volunteers, with a shared sense of purpose.
To develop greater excellence in nonprofit governance, management, leadership and
community service for the advancement of SEJ's mission.
To maintain an elected board of directors and officers that is knowledgeable, diverse,
collegial and resourceful.
To foster visionary thinking and practical skills for the accomplishment of specific tasks
by SEJ member-volunteers.
To sustain effective professional staff by maintaining good practices and "building a
bench" over time, through consistency and excellence in hiring and training talented
people for key positions.
Strategies to Accomplish Goal and Objectives for Board, Staff and Volunteer Development::
SEJ will hold a leadership development retreat at least every four years, as a meeting
ground for those with new thinking and new energy for leadership and future
development of the organization. Agendas and outputs from the retreat will reflect
SEJ's vision, mission, and current circumstances and be used to inform strategic plans
and action plans for coming years.
SEJ's executive director and board officers will review board development and staff
development needs at least annually and distribute information, plan presentations or
special meetings and engage consultant services as needed.
SEJ will use board meetings, role definition and board committee processes to foster
excellence in nonprofit governance, camaraderie and collaboration among board and
staff, to prevent difficulties and to improve effectiveness of all board members.
SEJ staff will use job descriptions and routine meeting processes to promote creativity,
communication, and effectiveness. Staff will engage the services of human resources
consultants as needed, to review progress, implement best practices, maximize job
satisfaction and prevent burnout for all SEJ personnel, paid and volunteer.
The SEJ board and executive director will establish contingency plans for potential
changes on board and staff rosters, to promote smooth leadership transitions.
IV. Improved Programs and Services
For 2006-2008, SEJ's roster of programs, publications and services includes the
- Comprehensive annual conference, co-sponsored with a distinguished university
- Comprehensive, multi-layered web sites at and
- Membership directory, available through or as a printout, by
request, from the SEJ office
- SEJ-Talk listserv, for interactive discussion and information exchange among members
- Freedom of Information WatchDog project, to monitor and act on environment-related
freedom of information and right to know issues
- Quarterly SEJournal, distributed in print and electronic form
- TipSheet, WatchDog Edition TipSheet, and occasional supplements, distributed via email
listserv and web site
- SEJ Awards for Reporting on the Environment, in a variety of print, broadcast and
online media categories
- Diversity program, to increase participation and networking among US journalists of
color, US Spanish-language journalists, Canadian journalists, Mexican and other Latin
American journalists through fellowships, listservs and specialized outreach; and to
maintain working partnerships with UNITY groups, (NABJ, NAJA, AAJA and NAHJ).
- Mentor program, to link younger journalists with more experienced colleagues, for
skill development
- EJToday, daily news digest service, distributed via web site and highlights-only email
- Online learning modules with The Poynter Institute's News University
- Creative collaboration with other journalism groups and academic programs,
including training initiatives, joint publications and co-sponsored events
- Weekly Environmental Events Calendar, distributed via web site and email listserv
- Various print and electronic publications developed and distributed in cooperation
with academic and journalism group partners
- Regional conferences, investigative field trips, seminars and social gatherings
- SEJ-Mail listserv and postal mail list, for fee-based distribution of potentially useful
information from SEJ's larger community of interest
Strategic Goal for Critical Issue IV: Improved Programs and Services:
To provide essential information and training opportunities for all journalists who may
be covering environment-related issues, within a corresponding personnel and budget
framework for SEJ.
To refine, improve and repeatedly refresh a core set of programs, services and
publications, designed primarily by and for journalists for maximum value and
usefulness to SEJ's primary target audience: professional journalists who may be covering
environment-related news in all forms of news media, as well as for students and
journalism educators.
Strategies to Accomplish Goal and Objective for Improved Programs and Services:
SEJ staff and board will anticipate, listen for, and remain responsive to the needs and
interests of working journalists who are covering important environmental issues.
Program planners will stay informed about trends in the news industry, trends in
journalism education, trends in environmental science and policy, trends in public
understanding of environmental issues, and other topics of special interest and relevance
to SEJ and its mission.
SEJ program planners will give priority to working ahead of the curve on environmental
news developments, through the application of informed prescience, to assist reporters
with emerging issues and for annual conferences, to highlight preparedness and long
term thinking on key environmental issues of the host region.
SEJ personnel will periodically survey the SEJ board and membership to better
understand which programs, publications and services are most highly valued, which are
underutilized and what might be done to improve participation if indicated.
Priorities for SEJ program initiatives and resource allocation will be recommended by the
executive director and endorsed by the board through the annual budget process and as a
routine part of development planning (fundraising).
Each program event, service or publication offered by SEJ will be planned and managed
to maximize quality, cost-effectiveness and usefulness for working journalists, students
and educators. Specific work plans, including personnel training plans, will be mapped and managed by senior staff, paid consultants, board members or other volunteers, as
designated by the executive director in consultation with the vice president for programs.
To whatever extent is practical for each, all SEJ programs, publications and services will
involve some element of volunteer participation.
SEJ staff will periodically assess and respond to needs for updated software, office
equipment and other technology required for successful programs and services.
SEJ staff will continually develop and implement cost-effective marketing plans to
increase participation by target groups for SEJ priority programs, as well as to build
general awareness of SEJ among target constituencies of print, broadcast and online
journalists, students, educators.
Evaluation data for individual programs, publications or services will be gathered and
reviewed by project leaders and/or SEJ staff, and reported to the SEJ board, committees,
grant-makers and university sponsors as appropriate. Assessments and analyses will be
based on anecdotal evidence, participation trends, survey responses and other specific
indicators. Evaluation data, summaries of lessons learned and relevant recommendations
will be used to inform SEJ staff, board and volunteers engaged in planning for future
programs, publications and operations.
Potential adjustments to SEJ's roster of programs will be carefully reviewed by SEJ's
executive director, vice president for programs and project personnel each year as part of
budget planning for the year to come. Significant new project allocations, or
recommendations for adjustments with existing programs (for example, changes in
number or scale of events or fellowships, decisions about print runs or advertising
budgets) will be reviewed by the SEJ board as part of the annual budget process. When
necessary, existing programs and services will be retired to make new ones possible.
Minor new program investments in response to special opportunities may be made at the
discretion of the executive director.
SEJ will continue to emphasize strategic partnerships with other journalism organizations
and academic institutions through joint projects, panel swaps, co-sponsored events and
V. Protecting the Integrity of Operating Principles and Values
Strategic Goal:
To protect the institutional identity and integrity of SEJ as a nonprofit 501(c)3
educational membership organization of news professionals and academics, and
maintain the highest standards of journalistic function and independence for the
To establish and enforce effective policies, guidelines and procedures with regard to SEJ
To reinforce SEJ's role and purpose as a journalism organization and distinguish SEJ's
membership and work from that of public relations and environmental advocacy
groups, through consistent communication with members and non-members.
To maintain high journalistic standards for program content and planning methods for
all SEJ programs and services, including activities with strategic partners.
To enforce effective financial policies, guidelines and procedures, to maintain
appropriate sources of funding and impeccable financial management for SEJ.
Strategies to Accomplish Goal and Objectives for Protecting the Integrity of Operating
Principles and Values:
SEJ's board, membership committee, and staff liaison will maintain diligence and
consistency in processing new member applications. They will administer routine
surveys to renewing members with regard to potential changes in eligibility or
membership category.
SEJ's board, finance committee and executive director will maintain and periodically
update written guidelines on acceptable sources of income, and routines for public
disclosure of financial information.
SEJ program planners will respond energetically and consistently to contemporary
concerns about ethics and values in the field of journalism, to shine a light on issues of
bias and credibility in the news media and reinforce this organization's strong
dedication to traditional journalistic standards of accuracy and professional excellence.
SEJ board, staff, volunteers and strategic partners will maintain vigilance in all program
planning to guarantee high standards of quality and member participation, so that all
programs associated with SEJ's name are consistent with the description "planned by
journalists for journalists."
VI. Building Stature and Significance
Strategic Goal:
To advance and protect the stature and significance of environmental journalism.
To build respect for environmental journalism and increase awareness of its value and
importance among news industry leaders in the U.S. and worldwide, especially among
print and online news editors and broadcast news managers.
To strengthen the broader professional movement for better education and training for
all journalists, in support of greater excellence in news reporting to serve the public
To provide leadership on environment-related freedom of information and right to
know issues, within the journalism community and for the general public.
To increase awareness of SEJ's mission, membership and programs among leaders in
environment-related professions, including scientists, government employees,
economists, business leaders, environmental advocates and others of prominence.
Strategies to Accomplish Goal and Objectives for Building Stature and Significance:
SEJ board, staff and members will seek out or create opportunities to communicate the
organization's vision, mission, goals and objectives to key constituencies.
Through its roster of programs, publications and services SEJ will provide consistent
leadership and professional response to environment-related freedom of information
issues and threats to the public's right to know, including disinformation campaigns
and attacks on legitimate science.
SEJ will work to increase use of information resources, training and educational events
that are already available and foster the creation of important new training resources
and opportunities for journalists who may be covering environment-related issues.
SEJ representatives will maintain and build on strong strategic partnerships, with key
journalism groups and training institutions, including the American Society of
Newspaper Editors; Investigative Reporters and Editors; the Poynter Institute; Radio
and Television News Directors Association; Coalition of Journalists for Open
Government; UNITY: Journalists of Color; National Association of Science Writers; and
other groups affiliated with the Council of National Journalism Organizations.
Through marketing of the annual awards program and various features on the Web
site, SEJ will promote and reward the pursuit of excellence in environmental journalism
in print, online and broadcast news media.
SEJ will establish and maintain partnerships with distinguished universities for the
annual conference. Each year conference planners will involve important news-makers
and other prominent speakers in the program agenda.
In approving this strategic plan, the 2005 SEJ Board hereby affirms SEJ's vision, mission
and basic goals, and recommends the critical issues, objectives and strategies noted
above as core priorities for attention 2006-2008.
All board committees, staff, and member-volunteers are encouraged to keep the ideas
and directions outlined in this strategic plan in focus as specific plans are made, actions
are taken, evaluations are performed, results are reviewed and the cycle of SEJ
advancement is repeated.
Each year there will be a limited number of "leading edge" themes in focus for strategic
action and emphasis by SEJ board, staff and volunteers. Specific actions with regard to
each of these will work with insights noted within this plan along with newer research,
analysis and strategic thinking undertaken by teams of SEJ personnel, as needed. For
2006, the following themes are suggested as central to that leading edge:
To diversify and expand sources of support for SEJ operations and endowment
accounts, through earned income, grants from new and renewing foundation sources,
and individual gifts, within the ethics and policy framework established by the SEJ
To invest in training and leadership development activities for board members,
potential board members, key volunteers, and staff to prepare them well for
organizational stewardship, decision-making and action planning.
To give consistent attention to membership recruitment and retention, aligned with
programs, among groups identified by the board's membership committee for
specialized outreach (for example new members who've joined in the awards entry
process, fellowship winners, broadcasters, editors, Spanish-language journalists,
To engage in effective planning, marketing, implementation and evaluation cycles for
SEJ programs and services, to increase value and participation and inform logical
adjustments to the program roster.
To make contingency plans for constructive response to personnel changes or
unexpected shortfalls in the operating budget.
The Strategic Plan of the Society of Environmental Journalists is intended to be a
dynamic document, to provide guidance for current and future SEJ staff, board and
members. SEJ's president and executive director are accountable for monitoring,
updating and reporting to the SEJ board and membership on progress with various
organizational goals and objectives noted in this plan, and they will bring updated
plans to SEJ's board of directors for review and re-authorization as needed.
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The Society of
Environmental Journalists
P.O. Box 2492 Jenkintown, PA 19046
Telephone: (215) 884-8174 Fax: (215)
© 1994
Society of Environmental Journalists
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