About SEJ

You are on SEJ's old website. For information about the Society of Environmental Journalists — including how to join, vision and mission, history, board and staff, election policies, financial policies, funding sources, partnership guidelines, bylaws, how to contact SEJ or its members, how to donate, how to volunteer, our strategic plan, obituaries/deaths in the SEJ family, accolades and much more — go to our new website: About SEJ.

The Society of Environmental Journalists
P.O. Box 2492 Jenkintown, PA 19046
Telephone: (215) 884-8174 Fax: (215) 884-8175


© 1994 Society of Environmental Journalists
The SEJ logo is a registered trademark ® of the Society of Environmental Journalists. Neither the logo nor anything else from the sej.org domain may be reproduced without written consent of the Society of Environmental Journalists.